Response & Street Watch Unit (RSU)
When a disaster, crisis or vulnerability occurs it often affects all parts of a community and there is usually a need for emotional as well as physical support. Response & Street Watch is an initiative of Dyfed-Powys Neighbourhood Watch. A response member is a Neighbourhood Watch Volunteer who has received additional training to provide support to those affected by a disaster or crisis. A RSU Volunteer can also support Street Pastors & other Charities who provide support on a Weekend, such as Town Night Outs by providing support and reassurance to those who need it when they are their most vulnerable. RSU Volunteers can be called upon any day or night to support and assist where appropriate. A response volunteer is a crucial point of contact and an additional support to the established emergency services. Their primary task is to offer support and compassion to all in the event of a crisis or emergency, this may be inside, or outside emergency cordons at an incident or specifically to assist in a Humanitarian Reception Centre for survivors, evacuees or other persons affected by the event. After training, a local Response Volunteer team will be established within a community to be called upon if required. All deployments will be initially managed by the Regional Response Watch Coordinator at Dyfed-Powys Neighbourhood Watch. |
A street watch member is someone who cares about their community & wants to keep their community safe. When people attend events on weekends, or special events, our volunteers will be supporting various organisations and emergency services with 'patrols' of areas, supporting people who are injured, lost, or require additional support in a time of need.
The initiative aims to train a volunteer in every county by the end of 2025 and have various teams across each part of Dyfed-Powys.
The initiative aims to train a volunteer in every county by the end of 2025 and have various teams across each part of Dyfed-Powys.
Interested in Joining?
If you're interested in this initiative, we are currently looking for volunteers to join our team. A specialised group will look to be formed come late 2024.